Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Malice Domestic Convention

I'm excited about being the Guest of Honor at Malice Domestic 2012!  This convention is so much fun, and the people are so warm and welcoming there.  I hope to see you there!  Held in Bethesda, MD, it's a short Metro ride from all the sights in Washington, DC and close to shopping, restaurants, and more.

Registration price increases after 12/31/11, so now is the time to sign up.  


Nancy said...

Hi Jan,
I'm trying to reach Caroline Allen, who plays or has Played in a band with your husband Tim. She is a friend from high school. If you can put us in touch, I will be very grateful! Thanks, Nancy Sulfridge

Jan Burke said...

Nancy, please comment again but this time include your email address. I will not publish it, but I'll use it to contact you individually.

All the best,

Denny C! said...

Ms. Burke
I will confess I just found a copy of Goodnight Irene at Goodwill. Please don't be discouraged that's how I got my start reading Michael Connelly and Jeffrey Deaver. It is such a thrill to find an author that can provide such fun and provoke such thought in a book. I will now head to the bookstore and start buying Jan Burke books. Thank you for using your talent. Yowza!
Denny Cox

Jan Burke said...

Thank you, Dennis! I hope you enjoy the others.
