Monday, October 27, 2014

Spot the Station

I never fail to feel a deep sense of wonder on those nights when, for a few minutes, I have the good fortune to see the International Space Station passing overhead. Good fortune and advanced notification from NASA. Perspective changes, thinking of the crew high above.

If you would like to see the ISS, visit NASA's Spot the Station page and sign up to receive text notifications when the station's journey makes it visible in the part the world where you live. The site includes instructions that will help you understand the locating information in each text.

Look for a bright object arcing across the sky, moving fast. You don't need a telescope or any other aid to see it. If you have a compass or know where north, east, south and west are, you'll be able to figure it out. The site will tell you everything else you need to know.

Image above from and is used courtesy of NASA.

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