Saturday, May 20, 2006


I'm tempted to begin by talking about some of my favorite blogs and Web sites — Post Secret, for example, where the confessional goes postal, and gems like the one here are displayed one week at a time — and to ask you to tell me about your favorites. The Internet is our friend, right? Well, if not always, most of the 24/7.

Oscar Wilde once said, "I can resist everything but temptation." (Did you know that dead people can have official Web sites? That link will take you to Mr. Wilde's. Way ahead of his time.) In this case, I'll resist temptation for a little while. Not too long, I promise.

For those of you who've come here through my Web site or newsletter, I do owe you news, so let's start with that and hope to branch out from there. If you were reading the message boards on my Web site before I had to get rid of them, you realize that the discussions here might range from Helms Bakery trucks to chickens to astronomy and beyond.

Kidnapped, the next Irene Kelly book, will be out in October, 2006.

I'll be touring in these cities, details yet to come:

Los Angeles
San Diego
San Francisco

I'll also be at Bouchercon 2006 in Madison, Wisconsin. Stay tuned for other additions to the schedule.

Next post: more about Kidnapped.


Anonymous said...

Ah I can't wait for Kidnapped to be released! And I will definitely be attending your stop in Portland. You've been my favorite author for quite a few years now, thanks again!!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back!! I have missed your message boards and was shocked and dismayed to see it gone! This is fantastic news on your upcoming "Kidnapped" Novel. I'm eagerly awaiting it's release and updates about it from you.

Jan Burke said...

Karen, thanks. Without the readers, a book is only half complete -- your imaginations take what's on the page and fashion that into something new.

Jan Burke said...

Thanks, Diana! See you in Portland!


Jan Burke said...

Lyndsey, that's a classic. Good to hear from you again!


Jan Burke said...

Thanks -- I was dismayed when we had to take the boards down. The things we have to do to avoid spam!

Jan Burke said...

I'd love to return to Pittsburgh. Probably won't be out that way for this book -- but you never know! I get requests off the regular tour schedule -- for speaking engagements, added stores, or when I'm in a city for a conference -- so keep checking back here.


Jan Burke said...

Hi Julie,

I haven't had a chance to go through the new B&N in Huntington Beach yet, but the staff and customers there have always been really supportive. Sometimes when my schedule says "Los Angeles," it really means LA, OC, and even part of Ventura County, so HB is a possibility.


Jan Burke said...

Hi Chiclet --

Generally speaking, a hardcover edition is more difficult to find after the paperback edition is issued.

Bloodlines is still available in hardcover, but may be harder to find in a few months.

However, some mystery bookstores specialize in carrying the earlier hardcovers of authors. Those will usually be in good-to-like-new condition and sometimes they'll be signed first editions. You may pay more for a book like that.

You can also find them in used bookstores, at,,, and other sites that sell used and out-of-print books online.

Good luck, and thanks for the kind words about the blog!


Jan Burke said...

Hi Christine,
Thank you!
Thanks also for the restaurant recommendation -- that's going into the Palm T|X right now!


Jan Burke said...

Hi Candice & Paul --
Good to hear from you! Perhaps blog has limited appeal as a word, and undoubtedly all of us have read blogs and thought that the poster should have done something else with his/her time that day. But on the whole, I'm happy to have this way to be back in touch with readers.

Looking forward to seeing you in the fall.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Jan!

Jan Burke said...

Kent, it's good to hear from you, even if the Ice Dogs joined another league. How are things going for the Moose?

My husband has returned to his "huff and puff" league after being out with an injury for about a year. So he's a happy camper.


Jan Burke said...

Hi, Keith!

Jan Burke said...

Hi Evil E!

Sorry to hear you had the same problem with spammers. I can't decide who irritates me more, spammers, or idiots who respond to spammers, thereby rewarding their behavior.

But now that I've been here a few days, I see that the blog has a few more possibilities -- features not easily available on the boards.

Thanks for visiting -- and for the support!


Anonymous said...

Jan - just recently got into reading blogs; my favorite so far is by a waiter in the New York City area

Jan Burke said...

Thanks for letting me know about that one, Craig -- as a former waitress, I have a feeling I'll be able to relate to that one.

Thanks also for stopping by!
