Thursday, August 31, 2006

Like the new look?

Heidi Mack, my fantastic Webmaven, has worked long and hard on revamping my Website, and you're getting a sneak peek at the new look here.

More soon!


Anonymous said...

Nice look. Love the pics.

Tami Klockau said...

Very nice Jan! Love the top banner pics!

Jan Burke said...

Thanks, Missy and Tami. Soon you'll be able to see the whole effect, which isn't quite complete here with what's mixed in from

Appreciate the feedback. And Tami -- I love Gromit!! But then, who doesn't? I have a dog that uses his eyebrows just as effectively as Gromit does.


Anonymous said...

The new look is great!

By the way, I'm compiling some crime lab information for you.

I've visited a few labs lately and the conditions are not very exciting. As one tough old cop said to me last week, "CSI we ain't."

Jan Burke said...

Thanks, Lee! I look forward to our Bouchercon panel!

Anonymous said...

I'm excited about our panel, too.

You're new website is great. In fact, it looks too nice. Makes me want to change mine now.