Friday, August 23, 2013

I'm excited to announce that D.P. Lyle and I will be hosting an online radio program, Crime and Science Radio, part of Suspense Magazine Radio.

I'll have more news about that soon, but in the meantime, plan to listen to our first program on Saturday, September 7.

In other news, in addition to the new short story about Frank Harriman, "The Privileged," I've completed a short story about Irene Kelly, "The Unacknowledged."  Both stories are set when they were younger and not yet met.

For those of you who are fans of The Messenger, I've also completed a new short story about Tyler Hawthorne, "Little Birds," set near the time of the American Civil War.

So yes, three stories about three characters you know, giving you a chance to see them in earlier times.  When we are closer to their release dates in 2014, I'll give you more details.

In the meantime, you can always read "The Amiable Miss Edith Montague," in MWA's The Mystery Box.  I loved these characters so much, I hope to return to them soon.

To answer the two questions I am asked most often:  I am at work on a standalone thriller, a book that is not a part of any series.  Yes, I do plan to write more Irene Kelly books.

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