Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Crime and Science Radio Episode 1, "Hollywood Storytelling: Science Fact or Make Believe?"

Dressed in a uniform typically worn by crime scene investigators, this scientist is prepared to perform the famous and reliable Taste Test on an Unknown Substance.

As I mentioned in my last post, Dr. D.P. (Doug) Lyle and I are hosting a new online radio show, "Crime and Science Radio," in connection with Suspense Magazine.  "Hollywood Storytelling: Science Fact or Make Believe?" is our first episode, and it is now up and available for listening.

All of us who watch forensic science shows on television, who watch movies about crimes, and who read crime fiction have ideas about how crime scenes are processed, what labs can do, how police and forensic scientists and medical examiners behave during investigations.  We believe we know what forensic labs look like even though few of us have been inside one, and we think we know what forensic science can determine about evidence.  We believe we know how deaths are investigated and what sort of experts are doing that work.

Most likely, we're wrong.

Our first show explores some of the most common myths and misconceptions about crime scene processing, death investigation, and forensic science that come from ideas we may have received from Hollywood.

There are three easy ways to listen to the show.  With your computer's sound on:

1) click on the link to Crime and Science Radio, then click on the "listen now"button.

2) Since the show is a podcast, you can also find us on iTunes, which makes it easy to listen to on a computer, smart phone, or iPad. In the iTunes store, search for Crime and Science Radio, and either click on the icon for Suspense Magazine, or look for the show from Suspense Radio in the search results.  The episodes are free.  If you subscribe, you'll get all our shows and Suspense Magazine's author interviews delivered as soon as they become available.

3) go to BlogTalkRadio's Website and listen to the show here.

After each episode, we'll be posting useful links and other information that will help you further explore that episode's topics.   I've posted the ones from the first episode below.

I just finished recording the next episode, with Sherlock Holmes expert Leslie S. Klinger.  We'll be talking about forensic science in Sherlock Holmes, and taking a historical view of criminal investigation in the age of the Victorians.  Episode 2 will be available starting Saturday, September 21 at 10 AM Pacific Time.

Places you can learn more about the topics discussed on Episode 1:
ProPublica Post-Mortem series—an excellent look at reality of death investigation

Photo above: 
© Simone Van Den Berg |

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