Wednesday, January 03, 2007

What? 2007 already?

I know, I know. You're saying, what kind of blogger are you, Burke? You haven't had anything (silly or otherwise) to say in more than a week now.

Not true. I just haven't written it here on my blog.

And that doesn't mean I haven't been thinking of you. I have.

It's just that at this point in my life, it seems I start almost every year by falling behind. The truth is, I'm still dealing with a whole lot of the To Do List from 2006 , and I have noticed that finishing those items hasn't done a thing to mark off items on the 2007 list.

Yesterday's major accomplishment was getting the Christmas lights off the house. They still aren't up in the attic, but at least I'm not among those folks who will be trying to decide if it's worth the effort in August.

Today, I woke up hoping to do some work on my book. Remembered that I had a conference call meeting about the CLP, and a phone interview to do, in preparation for an event in San Clemente. Then there were the e-mails unanswered from December, a receipt that needed to be faxed (someone had waited patiently for it since November), and additional arrangements to be made for the Friday forensic science panels at Left Coast Crime. Here I am at 10:59 PM, about to sign off here and do some writing.

I'm not really complaining. I like being busy, or I wouldn't be. I also like to have lazy time, and I'll confess that I had some of that today, too. A really long, hot bubble bath. Lunch with Tim. A nap. I'll be writing into the night, my natural time to do that. It's all good.

Oh heck -- I just remembered a couple of calls I forgot to make. But I don't think they'd appreciate getting them at...oh, 11:08 PM now.

Hope your New Year is Happy, and just as busy as you want it to be.

Photo above from, courtesy of peachyqueen.


Sandra Ruttan said...

Looking forward to those CLP panels at LCC Jan. When I got the update I automatically thought of all the hard work you must be doing on it.

JD Rhoades said...

Jan, I just finished Bloodlines, and all I can say is:
Dayum. I am in awe.
A large cast of characters that might have been confusing in lesser hands, a timeline that spans decades, a protagonist that doesn't make her appearance until almost halfway through the was like watching someone walk a tightrope while juggling chainsaws and talking on a cell phone. Drunk. And yet, by god, you pulled it off and made it look easy. I bow down.

Jan Burke said...

I have to thank the Killer Year (2007!) folks again, and especially you, Sandra, for helping out with the CLP Forum. The CLP works because people like you and the Killer Year writers put in time and effort. Gracias!

Jan Burke said...

JD, you are so kind -- thanks!